Gaming Desktop in just 4 Liters

The KTSFF v1 is a super compact desktop enclosure capable of housing a fully graphics capable desktop machine. It supports high end Mini-ITX graphics cards such as the GIGABYTE GTX 2070 Mini or the MSI RTX 3060 AERO ITX. Designed for the smallest possible footprint whether its on a desk, or by the TV.

How Small?

The smallest footprint of any PC enclosure of its class; It takes up less table space than a DVD case.
At 4.1 Liters of volume, it's half the size of most small form factor PCs.

Build One Yourself

The KTSFF was designed to be completely open source, and is not planned for production.

You can build one entirely from acrylic sheets, and some simple hardware and parts.
Use the provided .DXF vector files to cut all of the panels from acrylic sheets with a laser cutter or laser cutting service.
The remaining hardware and parts are listed and can sourced online.